Student Support
Student Support
The goal of the Comprehensive Student Support System is to provide proactive, positive, customized and timely interventions, services and support — compassionately — so all students will succeed to their greatest potential.
The Comprehensive Student Support System (CSSS) ensures that ALL students achieve to their greatest potential when school administrators, students, teachers, staff, families, and school communities work together in compassionate, nurturing, and efficient partnerships. The major components of CSSS are:
- High quality instructional leadership
- Curriculum, instruction and assessment
- Comprehensive student supports continuum
At Mililani Waena, personalized classroom climate and practices are provided for all students. Student success is accomplished through the implementation of the following programs and practices.
- Standards-Based Curriculum
- Wonders Reading Curriculum
- Ready Math Curriculum
- Write From the Beginning
- Leveled Texts
- Progress Monitoring
- Differentiated Instruction
- Least Restrictive Environment through Co-Teaching/Inclusionary Practices
- Student Success Planning Tool
In meeting the needs of our diverse learners, we provide timely and appropriate support using the Response to Intervention process.
- Literacy Center
- After School Supplementary Programs
- Gifted and Talented Program
- English Language Learners
- Keiki Readiness Program
- Counseling and Guidance
When your child begins to experience a concern in school, always consult the classroom teacher. We value your partnership, so please stay in communication with your child’s teacher regarding any concerns. If you have question or need additional support, please contact Mrs. Tiffany Honda, Student Services Coordinator.