4. National History Day » Overview


National History Day (NHD) is a nonprofit organization that creates opportunities for teachers and students to engage in historical research. Through selection of their own topic to match their interests to practicing time management to develop and curate a year-long project, students control their own learning. By fostering intellectual curiosity and critical inquiry, students learn to ask questions of significance, time, and place, becoming immersed in the historical research process. After analyzing and interpreting their primary and secondary sources and drawing conclusions about their topics' significance in history, students present their work in original papers, exhibits, performances, websites, or documentaries. Their projects compete in a district-level competition in the youth category, with the hope of advancing to our Hawaii State History Day competition. Youth projects do not currently progress to the national level, unlike their junior and senior level counterparts. 
Every year, NHD selects a theme to frame students' research. This theme provides a lens to read and study history, understand historical context, and ultimately culminates in the ability to see connections over time. This year's theme is "Breaking Barriers in History".
On the bar to the side, you'll find links to infographics about documentaries, performances, and essays - MWES's preferred formats for NHD submissions. 
For more information, visit our Hawaii State History Day website, www.hi-nhd.org, or the National History Day site, www.nhd.org